Thursday, June 22, 2017

Are You Willing to Pay the Price for the Life of Your Dreams?

From the moment I got home this afternoon with my son, Luther, guess what I haven't done: Watch television. Why? Because I'm busy studying, learning, sharpening my sword, working on my craft, to achieve my goal of becoming a million dollar speaker and trainer.

This year, I am investing in (notice I didn't say "spend money on") not one, but TWO world class certification programs in speaking, training and coaching. Why? Because when I realized that my ELEMENT (where my passion and natural talent intersect) was using my voice to connect with and inspire others, and decided to focus on nurturing my ELEMENT, some amazing things have happened in my life. Even just this past week, the Universe has let me know that this is indeed the right path for me.

Therefore, I don't mind not turning on the television for several hours - precious time that I have been using for personal development, self-improvement, and sharpening my ELEMENT. It's such a small price to pay to achieve the life that I want for myself and my family.

I recently heard someone say something really profound. He said, "The reason why there are so few really successful people, is because so few people are willing to PAY THE PRICE to achieve the success that they so desperately crave."

What price are you willing to pay to achieve the life of your dreams? Are you paying it now?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Great Leaders Are Great Communicators... Come Toastmasters!

Anyone in the Northern Virginia area who wants to develop your public speaking and leadership skills, as well as build self-confidence and overcome your fears of speaking in public; We're having an OPEN HOUSE at our next Toastmasters club meeting this coming Saturday, June 3 at 10am. For more information, check out our club's website:

If you're interested, please hit me up.

Monday, May 8, 2017

So Close,... But I'll Be Back Next Year!

Well, I got on stage, gave the best version of my speech,... and won 2nd place at the District 27 Toastmasters International Speech Contest. Despite fighting this pesky allergy-related bronchial spasm, I powered through it. 

It's particularly gratifying when I think about the fact that I got to this point with no formal coaching or training; i.e. I did tons of my own due diligence (reading, studying YouTube videos of champion speeches, and practicing relentlessly) to propel myself to the District competition.  It's also gratifying (while at the same time a little disappointing) when a few high level district officers come up to you afterwards to tell you that "You should've won." (One lady who coaches and mentors speakers told me that I gave the equivalent of a "World Championship level speech.")

It's all good, though. I've come this far, and I'm only going to get better. The journey continues. As Les Brown has said, "It's not over until I win."

Tuesday, May 2, 2017



Yeah, that's right. I said it. I'm putting it out there into the Ether, the Universal Mind. Why?

Thus Saturday is the Toastmasters District 27 International Speech Contest. Having made it this far, a first place finish qualifies me to compete in the 2017 World Championship of Public Speaking, to be held in August in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

From the moment I told myself last year that I was going to win the World Championship in two years or less, the burning desire in my soul has only gotten hotter. I have envisioned myself WINNING the world title, being handed the 1st place trophy, and meditating on the FEELING of winning.


It's going to happen.

You heard it here. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

One Step Closer...!

I just took one big step closer to becoming a world champion public speaker! Last week I took FIRST PLACE in our Area of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest! Next up is the Division F competition on Saturday, April 8 in Alexandria, Virginia. I am PSYCHED!!! God is good!

My ultimate goal is to make it to the finals and WIN the Toastmasters International World Public Speaking Championship! I can do it! I'm going to do it!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

One Step Closer to Becoming a World Champion Public Speaker!

I just took one big step closer to becoming a world champion public speaker! I just took FIRST PLACE in our Area of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest! Next up is the Division F competition on Saturday, April 8 in Alexandria, Virginia. I am PSYCHED!!! God is good!